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Reading Together, Reading Deep - Andaleeb Wajid's The Henna Start-up | An online workshop for educators and parents

book workshops Online Event

In a world dominated by technology and screens, parents and teachers are often told to encourage their kids to pick up a book and turn a page. Teachers and parents often find their beloved books to be different from their children and may find it challenging to fully embrace new directions and tastes in reading. So how do we read new books for ourselves and with children? Reading a book by oneself and sharing the act of reading can be very different experiences.  A wholesome reading of a book includes understanding the character development, the plot progression, social context and more. Equally significant is the life experience and conditioning a reader brings to the act of reading. How does one engage with books in a meaningful manner, observe and understand oneself as they read, and create a reading experience with children? Fear not, we’ve got your back! Dominated by technology and screens, parents and teachers are often told to encourage their kids to pick up a book and turn a page. Teachers and parents often find their beloved books to be different from their children and may find it challenging to fully embrace new directions and tastes in reading. So how do we read new books for ourselves and with children? Reading a book by oneself and sharing the act of reading can be very different experiences. 

We are thrilled to announce that Champaca will host a close reading workshop on the novel THE HENNA START-UP by Andaleeb Wajid. This is a 4 day online workshop for parents and teachers of 8th to 12th graders. Here, the participants will closely read the book and take part in a literature circle to discuss the book with its elements like plot, characters, social context while they discuss their own responses to the book. You will also get a chance to meet Andaleeb Wajid on the last day!

Here are the details of the online workshop - 

Dates - 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th April

Time - 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration fees - Rs. 4,000

You can buy your tickets on this link. 

Day 01 - 19th April, Saturday - OPENING THE TEXT - Reading and responding to the text in a reading circle.

Day 02 - 20th April, Sunday - APPROACHING THE TEXT - Exploring different ways to approach the text.

Day 03 - 26th April, Saturday - PREPARING FOR THE TEXT - Discussion on mindsets, mindspace and challenges in preparing to anchor a reading circle.

Day 04 - 27th April, Sunday - CLOSING THE TEXT - Consolidate the learning on preparation and approach to texts, ending with a  discussion with the author. 

The workshop will involve individual and group learning, and assignments around the act of reading. We guarantee the lessons you take away from this workshop will enhance your future reading experiences as well! Since there is limited seating, we recommend you book your spot soon.

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