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Bangalore Events — book launch

IN PURSUIT OF FREEDOM: Pradeep Damodaran in conversation with Subir Dey | 18 January, 5 PM

book discussion book launch

IN PURSUIT OF FREEDOM: Pradeep Damodaran in conversation with Subir Dey | 18 January, 5 PM

Join us at the bookstore for a conversation with Pradeep Damodaran and Subir Dey. They will be discussing Pradeep's latest book IN PURSUIT OF FREEDOM.  Pradeep Damodaran travels the length and breadth of the country, to places that played an important role in the Independence movement. A genre-bending book, IN PURSUIT OF FREEDOM touches upon several critical issues—religion, economic disparity, gender, environment, politics—as it blends travelogue, history and current affairs. The event details are as follows:  DATE- 18th January 2025  TIME- 5 PM RSVP here to confirm your presence.  About the speakers  Pradeep Damodaran is the author of the critically acclaimed...

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Book launch: THE SENTENCE by Gautam Bhatia, moderated by Aakar Patel | 22 December, 6 PM

author interviews book launch

Book launch: THE SENTENCE by Gautam Bhatia, moderated by Aakar Patel | 22 December, 6 PM

Join us for an exciting evening with Gautam Bhatia and Aakar Patel as they discuss Gautam Bhatia's latest book THE SENTENCE. The SENTENCE tells the story of Jagat, an anarchist politician who goes down in history for becoming a martyr and preventing civil war.  A little more about the book:  An impoverished young man, Jagat, is found guilty of murder. For his crime, he is sentenced to the highest form of punishment—the sleep of death for a century, with the promise of revival should his innocence ever be proven.But his act sparks violence in the great city of Peruma, with...

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Book launch: The Blaft Book of Anti-Caste SF moderated by R T Samuel | 21 December, 5 PM

book discussion book launch

Book launch: The Blaft Book of Anti-Caste SF moderated by R T Samuel | 21 December, 5 PM

Get ready for an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the much-anticipated release of THE BLAFT BOOK OF ANTI-CASTE SF! Join us at the bookstore on 21st December 2024 from 5 to 7 PM to meet the phenomenal visual artists and talented translators who brought this groundbreaking anthology to life! THE BLAFT BOOK OF ANTI-CASTE SF features weird, fantastic, supernatural, Dalit futurist, & magical realist fiction by writers from South Asia and the diaspora. From original English short stories and works in translation to stunning graphic narratives by some of the best creative minds currently reshaping our cultural landscape.  Featuring established literary...

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Book launch and discussion: GOVERNING FORESTS by Arpitha Kodiveri in conversation with Disha Ravi | 14 December, 5 PM

book discussion book launch free events in bangalore

Book launch and discussion: GOVERNING FORESTS by Arpitha Kodiveri in conversation with Disha Ravi | 14 December, 5 PM

Join us for a book launch of GOVERNING FORESTS authored by environmental lawyer and legal scholar, Arpitha Kodiveri. Arpitha will be in conversation with Disha Ravi. In this book the author narrates her encounters with various forest-dwelling communities, and discusses many of their challenges in the face of mining and pressure for conserving forests. It examines the history of environmental laws in India, touching upon several subjects such as citizenship, the role of the State, the exclusion of the Dalit community in these forest laws, and much more.  The details of the events are as follows: DATE- 14 DECEMBER, SATURDAY TIME- 5 PMSince the...

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A Musical Night and Book Launch of I'LL HAVE IT HERE with Jeet Thayil | 30 November, 5 PM

book launch free events in bangalore

A Musical Night and Book Launch of I'LL HAVE IT HERE with Jeet Thayil | 30 November, 5 PM

Jeet Thayil is back with a new poetry book after 16 long years, and we're so excited to be a part of the launch!  Join us as we celebrate the launch of I'LL HAVE IT HERE with Jeet Thayil and Rahul Soni. This discussion and reading will then be followed by an interactive Q&A with the audience, and a musical performance by Yashas and Hollis!  It's going to be an evening filled with poetry, music and conversations, and since there is limited seating we recommend you book your seat right away! Here is the RSVP link.  The details of the...

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