Bangalore Events — women authors
Book Discussion: DO NOT ASK THE RIVER HER NAME with Sheela Tomy, Ministhy S. and Arul Mani | 9 AUGUST 6 PM
author interviews book book discussion book experiences book launch events in bangalore free events in bangalore translation women authors women in translation

Join Sheela Tomy, Ministhy S. and Arul Mani as they discuss DO NOT ASK THE RIVER HER NAME, award-winning author Sheela Tomy's latest novel. DO NOT ASK THE RIVER HER NAME touches on the Israel-Palestine conflict with a deep dive into the rich history and culture of the region; it sheds light on the plight of women in India leaving home in search of work, and ultimately it talks about finding hope through grief. Themes of displacement, migration, and humanity and love, run through the poignant novel.  Kindly RSVP here as there is limited seating. About the speakers Sheela...