The Shelf Life: Champaca Bookstore Blog
On Circularities, Genre, and Alien Intelligences: An Interview with author Martin MacInnes

Dispatches from Champaca: June 2023

Recap: Champaca Book Subscription Year Three — Loneliness & Connection

We have arrived at the end of another year of our Champaca Book Subscription! With three years under our belt, we are thrilled to have been able to explore topics in depth, through books from far and wide, and to be able to share them with you. In our first year, we read translations from across India and the world, and in our second year, we reimagined what travel could mean to us outside of our usual understanding. In year three, from July 2022 to June 2023, we read around the themes of Loneliness and Connection. These are twin themes,...
Imaginations of the Future: Part Three — Social Futures

Dispatches From Champaca: May 2023