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A new leaf on our champaca tree


We're now a little over a month old.

It's been a time of bustling activity and fun in our green leafy corner of the world. Our tall shelves have seen books scuttle away thanks to wonderful readers, our kitchen staff are exhilarated and on their toes, and the wonderful avocado outside our window bears fruit that are just out of reach.

We opened on June 8. Mahesh Rao and Arshia Sattar inaugurated our store, speaking about their journeys as readers, their time working in bookstores, and the hard work that is writing. The next day, Harini Nagendra and Seema Mundoli read from their favourite passages of their new book Cities and Canopies, later playing games and painting leaves with adults and children alike.

The lovely Manu Pillai, Rheea Mukherjee came by and signed copies of their newest books. Sharif Rangnekar dropped in one afternoon. The (broke) bibliophiles and several groups of writers and readers gathered to spend time together. So many people, readers, writers, food-lovers, old friends and newer friends come by each day. 

We have some events coming we'd like to invite you to:

July 20 and 21

This weekend, the Bangalore Life Sciences Cluster is over for a talk on 'Rethinking Medical Devices for a Developing World'. Later in the afternoon at 3 PM, the prolific and brilliant Arunava Sinha is visiting and will sign his latest translations. On Sunday, TR Shankar Raman will read from and sign copies of his new book, The Wild Heart of India.

July 26 and 28.

The next weekend, two writers of fiction and a critic discuss speculative fiction from the subcontinent in Transporting Fictions. We celebrate ten years of The Taranauts with Roopa Pai in an event for 8-12 year olds with stories and puzzles.

August 2 and 4 and 9

Come by for a talk by Sarbpreet Singh on his book, The Camel Merchant of Philadelphia: Stories from the Court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Anil Ananthaswamy, science writer and journalist, will talk about on an experiment that changed the way we look at the nature of reality. Self-published author, Saeed Ibrahim, will read from and speak about Twin Tales from Kutcch.


We'll be at IIHS withThe Urban Treeverse: Stories of Trees in Cities; a street mela stall on Edward Road; and the fabulous Bangalore Queer Film Festival.

Stay in touch, and see you soon, over a lemonade and book!

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