Trees Of Arunachal Pradesh: A Field Guide
- Author: Navendu Page, Aparajita Datta , Bibidishananda Basu
- Publisher: NCF
- ISBN: 9788195466344
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Rs. 1,000.00
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Arunachal Pradesh is the largest of the North-east India is one of the rich biodiverse areas in India, but floristically, it is still less explored and documented. The location is at the interface of Himalayan and Indo-Burma biogeographical realms. Interactions among factors like wide elevation gradient with variable climatic condition and topography makes it the most plant-diverse area in India. However, apart from a few regional floras and plant monographs, there is no comprehensive pictorial field guide for identification of common trees from this part of India. With our field guide of trees, we hope that nature and plant enthusiasts as well as visitors can learn, identify and engage with the trees around the low elevation forests of Arunachal Pradesh. Many tree species covered in the book also occur in low-elevation forests of Assam and other parts of North-east India, while some also occur in other parts of mainland India.
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