Social Exclusion: Concept, Application, Scrutiny
- Author: Amartya Sen
- Publisher: Critical Quest
- ISBN: 9788190209489
About the Author
Amartya Sen, a Nobel Laureate, is one of the foremost Development Economists of the day. He has scores of books, monographs and articles to his credit. His expanded notions of poverty and development are guiding lights for researchers and activists alike. One of his more recent works is Development as Freedom, published by Oxford University Press.
Extracts from “Social Exclusion”
“The literature of social exclusion addresses two central issues, respectively, in epistemology and in practical reason. The epistemic question on which it focuses is how to get better understanding of the diverse phenomena of deprivation and poverty, focusing particularly on relational obstacles. The challenge of practical reason goes beyond that into policy implications of that understaning. The question there takes the form of asking how to improve policy making, in light of the understanding generated by studies of social exclusion.”
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