Jotiroa Phule & The Ideology Of Social Revolution In India
- Author: Gail Omvedt
- Publisher: Critical Quest
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About the Author
G. Omvedt is currently a Senior Fellow at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. A prolific writer, she has published a large number of books including Dalit Visions (1975) and Dalit and Democratic Revolution (1994) besides having translated Growing up Untouchable in India: A Dalit Autobiography.
Extracts from “Phule & Ideology of Social Revolution in India”
“The purpose of the ‘non-Aryan’ theory is to establish a cultuaral and racial basis for the unity of the Maharashtrian masses….The primary economic conflict within India was thus described as a conflict between the peasantry and the elite-dominated bureaucracy. Zamindars or inamdars in this area of ryotwari settlement were more or less viewed as irrelevant.”
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