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Finding Order in Disorder: A Bipolar Memoir

Finding Order in Disorder: A Bipolar Memoir

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Ishaa Chopra battled bipolar disorder for over a decade. Shehas also been a victim of domestic abuse in her short-livedmarriage. Finding Order in Disorder is a stunning memoir of herexperiences.

In lucid, simple prose the author addresses what it is like tobe diagnosed with bipolar disorder, how it affects interpersonalrelationships and how societal norms influence our understandingof and responses to mental health issues. She also narrates howthese traumatic and life-altering experiences have helped her gaininsights into life and empowered her to the extent that alongwith being an early childhood educator, she is now an activecampaigner for mental health.Brutally honest and often piercing in its observations, this is amemoir that is both heart-wrenching and inspirational.

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indian / Ishaa Vinod Chopra / memoir / memoirs and biographies / mental health / nonfiction /