Birds in Your Backyard and Beyond
- Author: Arthy Muthanna Singh, Mamta Nainy, Kaustubh Srikanth
- Publisher: Red Panda
- ISBN: 9789389152203
Regular price
Rs. 350.00
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Have you ever looked out of your window and wondered what all of that chirping was about? What was that bird you saw with all those vibrant colours? Why do all birds have feathers but not all can fly? Join Binee the Bird Nerd as she answers these questions and whisks you away to the wonderful world of birds! In the pages of this book, you can hop with tiny sparrows, sing with small sunbirds, soar high with mighty eagles and be a part of many such avian adventures while discovering some fascinating facts about our fine feathered friends.
A book that helps readers spot birds in their backyard, identify their calls, and learn how to be a birding pro.
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