Biometrics: A Very Short Introduction
- Author: Michael Fairhurst
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
- ISBN: 9780198809104
We live in a society which is increasingly interconnected, in which communication between individuals is mostly mediated via some electronic platform, and transactions are often carried out remotely. In such a world, traditional notions of trust and confidence in the identity of those with whom we are interacting, taken for granted in the past, can be much less reliable. Biometrics - the scientific discipline of identifying individuals by means of the measurement of
unique personal attributes - provides a reliable means of establishing or confirming an individual's identity. These attributes include facial appearance, fingerprints, iris patterning, the voice, the way we write, or even the way we walk. The new technologies of biometrics have a wide range of
practical applications, from securing mobile phones and laptops to establishing identity in bank transactions, travel documents, and national identity cards.
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