A Moveable East
- Author: Siddharth Dasgupta
- Publisher: Red River
- ISBN: 9788195090013
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Inhabited homes; familiar bodies; an Eastern promise; the intoxication within words; the cadence to dancing nostalgias; wild lingua; a beautiful ache beneath foreign skies… Poet & Novelist Siddharth Dasgupta unspools remembrances, dances through infidelities, downs carafes of wine, and lingers in cafés of quiet enigmas in this poetic tour de force. Across seven movements and fifty-five poems, A Moveable East asks you to believe in the sacred and revel in the wayward. It asks you to inhale bookshops and relish the transferrable quality of flavour. Mostly though, it asks that you frolic in the fluttering of this restless east.
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