The Blaft Anthology Of Tamil Pulp Fiction, Vol. 3
- Author: Rakesh Khanna, Rashmi Ruth Devadasan, Nirmal Rajagopalan
- Publisher: Blaft
- ISBN: 9789380636252
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Rs. 695.00
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Smuggled diamonds! Poisoned coconuts! Exploding police stations! Nitrogen-eating aliens! Desert romances! Disembodied brains! From the sewers of small-town Tamil Nadu to the drug dens of Khajuraho...From the dance bars of Hyderabad to the exoplanets of Gliese 581...The doyens of Tamil pulp fiction bring you six short stories of Love, Crime and Interstellar Terror! Including stories by Rakesh Khanna, V. Vinod, Nirmal Rajagopalan, Subha, Pattukkottai Prabakar, Kanchana Jeyathilagar, Indra Soundar Rajan, and Tamilmagan.
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