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All These Streets We’ve Known By Heart

All These Streets We’ve Known By Heart

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In this his third collection of poetry, writer Siddharth Dasgupta goes about gathering addresses and intimacies. All These Streets We’ve Known By Heart is an opera of the streets and their fluctuating enigmas. Variously, the collection dances into photographic memory, the pull of desire, and the cherished bouquets of home. You’ll encounter Shashi Kapoor, Brigitte Bardot, and Nina Simone. You’ll unravel the golden shovel, birthed from words by Carver, Proust, Seth, and such. You’ll swim in the slipstream of rebellious ghazal arrangements. And in the end, perhaps you’ll be reminded of your own streets—those places where joy was rife and where, concurrently, sadness lingered like a misplaced Sufi.

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