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Book Launch: The Great Nicobar Betrayal, curated by Pankaj Sekhsaria | 9 June, 5PM at Champaca Bookstore

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Join us for a book launch of THE GREAT NICOBAR BETRAYAL and tune into the discussion between Pankaj Sekhsaria and Samar Halarnkar as they discuss the contemporary issues that threaten to destroy the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The book is a catalogue of the manmade catastrophe that lurks on the horizon, and the discussion promises to be an insightful one.

THE GREAT NICOBAR BETRAYAL is a Frontline Publication. 

About the speakers: 
Pankaj Sekhsaria is the author/editor of 6 books on the Andaman and Nicobar islands and has spent 20 years covering the region as a journalist.

Samar Halarnkar an author, founder-editor of Article 14 , and a columnist for He is also cofounder of the India Love Project. 

Details of the event:

Date: Sunday, 9 June
Time: 5 PM
Venue: Champaca Bookstore

RSVP here to confirm your presence. 

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